Discover Your Passion - Do Work That You Love

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Do you not know what to do with your life or what career path to choose?

Do you have lots of options but still cannot decide? 

Do you have friends and family giving you conflicting advice?

Do you know what your strengths are but still don't know how to use them well?

Would you like to finally start on your career path and not waste another year?

Career Types and Categories

View the full list of career types and expand your options. 

*Click the industry of interest to go directly to that area.

20 Questions to Discover Your Passion

This is a great place for anyone who is completely lost and doesn't know what to do in their career. You'll also be able to discover some of your natural gifts are and when you're in a state of flow. Please note: this isn't about strengths and weaknesses. This is about passion.

5 Goal-Setting Charts to Keep You Focused

If you're going to have a great year and achieve some or all of your goals, you need to have a plan!  “If you don’t design your life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” — Jim Rohn

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Questions to Ask the 4 Most Important People in Your Life

It's a great idea to ask the most important people in your life about what career they think you'd be perfect for. Sometimes these people know things about us or see us in ways that we don't see ourselves. They can give us a different perspective, a different viewpoint or a new opinion.

Victory Stacking Workbook to Create Confidence on Tap! 

This exercise is fantastic and should be used by everyone. So often we are programmed to only see what's going wrong or what we're afraid of and not enough time is spent celebrating and remembering victories. 

Your Manifesto 

This exercise is really useful for putting all of your ideas together from the previous documents and exercises. This is your manifesto. Your driving force. This explains why you do what you do.

High Resolution 'This is your CAREER' Poster

"This is your CAREER. It consists of 35 hours per week, 48 weeks a year, for more than 40 years. One-third of YOUR LIFE will be spent either doing it or thinking about it. So do something you love. 


Top 1000 Companies to work for in Ireland

Here are the list of the top companies to work for in Ireland according to The Irish Times. You can find the companies separated by industry and ranked in order of preference. This is a useful exercise for people who don't mind what sort of work they do - once the environment and the company itself are good.


"Throughout the time I have spent with Ronan trying to break down the the barriers (career wise) that I myself over the course off 5 years have built up, we have succeeded in doing so, I always felt from what I have been told by teachers in school that if I didn't do well in the leaving certificate that basically options would be gone.

Ronan through his knowledge and hard work quickly proved them wrong, he asked me questions that really made me think in my head think more so then ever actually. After my first session with him I walked out thinking that I could actually accomplish goals, that anything I set my mind to I could infact accomplish. He also motivated me in a way letting me know my own attributes that I would have an advantage with a college course or job. He gave me direction.

I now know what direction my life is going and I know I still have alot of work to do, Ronan has instilled an idea in my head that I know I can succeed at. I know how it feels to be useless. I always tangled with the idea of feeling in a bubble of self pity, Ronan burst that bubble for me, I am now applying to college into a industry in which I never taught I would even get a chance to go for. 
IF YOUR LOOKING TO IMPROVE RONAN IS THE GUY TO HELP!!! I owe a lot to him for helping me. Thank you Ronan."

- Gregory

Individual Coaching Sessions

Don't know what to do with your life or what career path to choose? Do you have lots of options but still cannot decide? Do you have friends and family giving you conflicting advice? Do you know what your strengths are but still don't know how to use them well? Would you like to start your career path knowing that you're going in the right direction and doing something that you love?