How to get a job without experience

Firstly, you must believe that it can be done! Remember that everyone has had to do it at some point. 

Secondly, focus on what you do have to offer (e.g., skills, strong work ethic, volunteer experience, good attitude). Attitude is everything — if you’ve a good attitude, you can be trained. Outline your good attitude (positive, open), adaptability and ability to learn quickly. Outline any experience you’ve gained in a sports or social club, volunteer work or other extracurricular activity. Remember that you’re not expected to have done a million things when you’re young. All you have to do is put your best foot forward.

Then, simply show up! Often we can underestimate the impact of simply being on time and being consistent, but it’s really so important for building trust and demonstrating reliability.

One more thing, if you like social media or digital marketing, there’s a chance that you know more about this than some small business owners. This gives a unique selling point and a way of offering them a service that they need. 


  1. Firstly — believe!

  2. Focus on your strengths 

  3. Show up on time!