Posts tagged Happiness
13 Lessons on Patterns from Physiotherapy

My physio told me that my patterns of movement are impeding my training and therefore my progress. In other words, my patterns of movement are linked to my running technique, which is linked to the problems that I'm having with my knees. All of the stretching in world won’t make a difference as long as my patterns of movement are still inadequate. 

So why am I writing about this? The reason is this: I couldn't help but draw a parallel between the patterns of movement that we do with our bodies and the patterns of thoughts/emotions that we have in our minds.

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21 Day Challenge

If you read my blog on a regular basis you'll know by now that I'm a fan of many TED Talks and enjoy the ideas that are put forward there. Here is one of my favourite videos and a graphic below summarising the four main ideas that Shawn Achor highlighted. These are useful ideas for the workplace but also for general day-to-day life. I've used them myself and think they're awesome because they're so simplistic and yet effective.

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Do you really want to be rich?

Someone might say that they want to be rich or to be a millionaire and I’d like to challenge that in this post. Maybe they have already started and they are on their way. But when someone says it and they seem to do nothing about it, I wonder whether they want it so much. Are they working at a job where that’s possible? Or are they developing the skills and the abilities to make that a possibility in the future? If so, great! If not, why not? Maybe we don’t really want it so much…

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