Posts tagged Coaching
How to coach anyone on anything (even yourself)

Coaching is a process of facilitating someone finding answers to their questions. Mentoring on the other hand is generally about transferring specific knowledge, tips or subject matter expertise from one person to another. The two can often be mixed together which may confuse some people. Obviously, you can't mentor anyone on anything because you'd have to have that specific knowledge, whereas if you have the right questions and approach, you can coach anyone on anything.

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The 10 Steps of Compelling Goal-Setting

1. Write down your vision at the top. (e.g. Change jobs, lose weight, run a marathon etc.)
2. Then, break the process down into small steps starting with what you need to do in 6
months, then 3 months, 1 month and finally 1 week.
3. Be very clear about the steps to achieve this and seek advice from professionals if needed.
4. See the examples above for more information and tips.

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