Answering impossible interview questions

It's good to have a structure for dealing with impossible interview questions, should they arise. When I say impossible, I mean, questions that have no correct answer that you could say is categorically true. For example:

“How would you design a fire escape for this building?“

“What’s the best way for our company to enter the Chinese market?“

“You have a grocery delivery service (similar to Amazon Fresh) that delivers food within 24 hours. Estimate how many trucks you need to operate this service.“

Here are some questions and principles to apply before answering:

- what's the overall picture?
- always consider both sides (tangible/intangible, business/consumer, online/offline etc.)
- what are the needs? what are the deeper needs?
- what's a priority?
- what should the plan and sequence be?
- what resources are available people/time/budget?
- seek expertise if possible/necessary
- harness existing resources (expertise, data, tools, channels)
- what's the most efficient way to do this? (business/user)