39 ways of saying 'no'

You’re busy, stressed and starting to feel overwhelmed. And why wouldn’t you be? You’re time-poor because you always say ‘yes’ to everyone else’s requests. What’s more, they love you for it. So while you’re benefitting in the short term from this behaviour by receiving praise from everyone else, it’s ultimately going to weigh down your chances of progression. In addition, it keeps you stuck working in the business and not on the business. In other words, you’re working tactically and not strategically.

So what stops you from saying no more often? Maybe it’s fear of upsetting people? Perhaps you feel you’re the only one who can do the work to the required standard? If this is the case, you’ll always have to do that work, can never delegate, and therefore may struggle to progress your career.

Or maybe you just don’t know how to do it. Here are some simple strategies and 39 examples of saying “no”:

Strategies for saying ‘no’":

  • “No, but…”

  • “No, not at the moment…”

  • “No, because…”

  • No answer at all

Examples of saying ‘no’:

  1. No, I can't. Sorry. Maybe I can help next time.

  2. No, because I don't want to.

  3. I don't want to answer that question. It reflects badly on both of us.

  4. No, because it's not a priority right now.

  5. Well no, because it's not my job.

  6. No, I don't think so. I don't think that makes sense.

  7. No, not for the moment.

  8. No, not for me.

  9. No, but maybe later.

  10. No, for a combination of personal and professional reasons…

  11. No, I’m sorry but I’m not able to this time.

  12. No, unfortunately not as it doesn’t fit in with my plans.

  13. No, I’m sorry to say, but that’s not going to work for me.

  14. Unfortunately, I won’t be not able to do that. If anything changes, I’ll let you know as soon as possible.

  15. Well, I could do that but I know it’s not the right move, so it’s going to be a ‘no’ for me.

  16. No, I just don’t think it would be the most responsible thing to do considering my heart isn’t in it anymore

  17. No, but I could recommend someone else to you.

  18. No, that's not going to happen. Not on my watch!

  19. No sorry, I'm just not feeling it to be honest.

  20. I want to say yes, but the answer is no.

  21. No, I've got too much going on a the moment.

  22. No sorry, I wish I could help but I can't.

  23. No, unfortunately not, it's outside my remit.

  24. Haha no, that's crazy.

  25. Haha no, sure I'd be here all night if I did that.

  26. No, because I'll get a red card from the other half if I did that!

  27. I hear you, but the answer is still no. I'm sorry, I just can't.

  28. No sorry, if I did — everything else would suffer.

  29. No sorry, it's just too big a compromise. I think we need to rework this.

  30. Ugh! I wish! But no, I can't. Maybe next time!

  31. No definitely not. Because that's totally unreasonable.

  32. No. It's not that I can't do that, it's that I won't, for the simple reason: it goes against my values.

  33. No, because we don't have any data to back up that course of action, do we?

  34. No, that's not the case at all. My intention has always been to...

  35. No, absolutely not. Well, to be blunt, you don't have authority over me.

  36. No, because I disagree with that approach. Having said that, I am open to being wrong and I am willing to change my mind.

  37. Nah. Sorry. No can do.

  38. That's a no-go I'm afraid.

  39. No answer at all  — you don't have to answer every question asked.