Career Coaching


How does it work?

Identify Top Needs and Priorities

  • Understand what your top 2 needs are and how they're being met

  • Clarify what your priorities / values are going forward

  • Identify what stage you’re getting stuck at in the job hunt

  • Create a clear goal/vision and make a plan to overcome obstacles

Outline Your Skills

  • Understand what your core skills are and outline them clearly

  • Select your top three that you’d like to focus on going forward

  • Learn how to articulate them clearly to any employer

  • Ensure you can speak about them in a detailed manner by using examples 

Create a Professional Profile

  • Create a professional profile, or a personal brand to highlight the value you can bring

  • Outline your skills, experience, responsibilities, achievements, abilities, education etc.

  • Learn how to tailor the profile to each position that you’re applying for

  • Practice delivering the profile in a humble way and in the form of an elevator pitch

Discover Suitable Opportunities

  • Learn the best job search strategies related specifically to your career

  • Use your career plan to identify the key characteristics that meet your needs

  • Discover the best channels and approaches to use for your search 

  • Analyse and discuss how you meet the requirements and responsibilities of each role

Review CV and Cover Letter

  • Conduct a detailed analysis of the style, structure, substance and clarity of your CV

  • Outline the what, how, and why of your roles and add metrics where appropriate

  • Learn how to efficiently tailor your CV to suitable roles and applications

  • Create a standard cover letter which can be adjusted for each application

Complete Interview Preparation

  • Deal with any concerns or issues that have come up in previous interviews

  • Outline the core points that you’d like to convey for each standard question

  • Practice answering each question clearly, while giving examples related to the role

  • Complete a full run-through of the interview and receive positive and constructive feedback