Mini-experiments versus chronic dabbling

There aren't any summary bullet points for this post. No dabbling on this one;  you’re either in or you’re out.

I’ll admit it straight up that I’ve dabbled before. We all do it to some extent.

Doing risk-free mini-experiments is a necessity but we should be careful to distinguish that from dabbling. Mini-experiments should give us an opportunity to try something in a structured fashion; get help from someone who understands the area and overcome at least one obstacle while learning from it. 

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4 Alternative ways of getting your foot in the door

You’re not getting any good results from your job search, right? You’ve emailed every company in your desired industry and you didn’t get the job. You’ve tried "everything" and nothing has worked! Without knowing anything about you, I know that if what you’re doing isn’t working, then it’s time to try something else. Simple, right?
Please keep in mind that some of these suggestions will be more suitable than others, depending on the type of work and the industry that you’re interested in, so it’s up to you to choose the ones that are best suited to you.
Here are 5 alternative ways to get your foot in the door of a company that you’d really like to work for. 

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5 Movies with awesome lessons about following dreams

Brad Pitt’s character, Tyler Durden, holds a gun to the head of a convenience store assistant while asking “WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE?”. Pitt’s character is obviously using a violent threat, but in an unusually encouraging way. He wants the assistant to follow his dreams so much so that he threatens to kill him for not following through. When the assistant eventually answers that he’d like to “veterinarian”, but that there’s “too much schooling”, Pitt’s character gives him an ultimatum to follow his dreams. Not the typical example of encouragement.

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