Beliefs about work


We all have beliefs about life, the world, relationships and of course, work. They can be empowering or disempowering, conscious or subconscious. Removing limiting beliefs is a key step in achieving goals. But if we don’t move recognise and accept where we’re getting stuck, it can be difficult to make progress. For example, if you believed that there weren’t any interesting jobs available right now because of market conditions, why would you even bother looking? And then if you don’t look for them, of course, you won’t find them. The belief stops the action and the inaction leads to a negative result. This in turn becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you’re unsure of what your beliefs about work are, here are some questions to get yourself started. Of course, you must answer them honestly or else you won’t learn anything about yourself.

  1. Is work something to be endured or embraced?

  2. Could anyone do your job?

  3. If you're skilled at something, does it mean you're an expert or simply competent?

  4. Are your skills transferable across jobs and industries?

  5. Do you feel you need more education to get a new job?

  6. Do you feel you must follow a passion to feel satisfied at work?

  7. If you change jobs, will your salary increase, decrease or remain the same?

  8. Do you think getting a new job is easy or difficult?

  9. If you leave a job, do you see yourself as letting people down or doing what's best for you?

  10. What are your other beliefs about work?

Do your beliefs serve you well or badly? Are there any that you’d like to change or update?

Changing your limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs will directly influence the action you take and therefore, the results you get. Then, you will get positive momentum towards your goals which will further reinforce your empowering beliefs.