Posts tagged leaving
Five things to do before leaving a job

Quitting is a job can be difficult. We worry about the consequences for our career, the rebuttal from our manager, and perhaps most of all, the awkward conversation. Lots of different thoughts can go through your mind from, “what if they ask me to stay?”, and “what if they offer me a different position that I don’t want?”, to “what if they guilt me into staying for another few months?”, andwhat should I do if they promise me there will be changes, when I know that in reality nothing will change?”. And so on… But how can you deal with this situation?

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How to explain leaving a job or business

If you left a job recently, it's important to have a good story for why you left (be positive, be gracious, and be clear). Don’t over-elaborate on what happened — that may lead to difficult questions. Be able to tell them how you benefited from the position, what you achieved and what your responsibilities were. Even if it was a nightmare situation, highlight what you learned from it. For example, if you had a boss who couldn’t give clear messages, you could reframe the situation, saying that you learned a lot about communication. If you had a huge workload, you could reframe the problem, saying that you learned how to manage multiple competing priorities. Reframing is really all about being able to say “the glass is half full rather than half empty”. If you want to come across well in an interview situation, I suggest you reframe negative experiences into positive learnings.

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